Sunday, June 23, 2013

Calgary Flood 2013 

Well, it's been one hell of a ride. You can literally throw a rock out my door into two evacuation zones. We've been pretty lucky though, no real damage.

If you are looking for information regarding the flood. I recommend the Calgary subreddit ( . People have been posting there regularly, it's a wealth of information.

Everyone I know is OK. We've seen lots of property damage, but no injuries or loss of life.

On another note. While riding around the City today. Even with the flood Damage this city is easier to circumnavigate now then it was 5 years ago. It's obvious how much work the current mayor and his staff have put into all these infrastructure projects.

It's a shame to see the Damage ... I hope we get back to normalcy soon.

Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm back! 

Good day everybody! I am back and blogging. I gave it up for a long time due to company commitments but I'm going to try and start posting more frequently.

First thing, let me bring you all up to date on what I have been doing. I've been working at this great company called Nulli. It's run and staffed by a great group of Identity Management consultants. I've also been riding a lot and working in intense spurts.

Identity Management? Aren't you a security guy?

This is correct. However what most people don't realize is that Security and Identity Management go hand in hand. The best way to effectively secure your enterprise from all the inherent vulnerabilities that come with having employees work productively is effective Identity and Access Management.

Seriously, some of the issues presented in the IDM & Access Management are complex even before you add reality and politics on top.

If your interested to know I have been specializing on the ForgeRock Stack (Link to the developer site.). Expect some blog entries in the future on this ... today I wont bore you any further.

To conclude for today ...

I'll be posting more and more ... I'll do my best to keep it interesting and no plug work too much, there are enough people who do that.

Have a great weekend,
